Marketing & Sales Psychology

why people buy

The Reasons Why Customers Buy – And How To Target Them

We all want to increase our customer base and sell more products, right? Well here’s a valuable lesson I learnt from Jim Edwards in his fantastic book “Copywriting Secrets“. “People don’t buy without a reason why” If you can understand why people buy you can use those reasons to make your ad copy much more […]

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Marketing & The Life-Force 8: How To Appeal To Human Desires

In his epic copywriting book Ca$hvertising, Drew Eric Whitman identifies 8 desires that all humans have. He called them the “Life-Force 8”. According to Drew, if you want to improve the efficiency of your marketing, sell more products, attract more customers, and make more money then you need to focus on appealing to these 8

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Marketing Psychology Tricks To Boost Your Sales – With Examples

Marketing psychology is a growing field of study. For a marketer to be successful its important to understand consumer behaviour. The more you can understand how people will act or respond to your marketing campaign, branding, or pricing strategy, the more successful you’ll be. Marketing is about all people. It is important to understand how

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storytelling in business

Storytelling Tips For Marketers, Salespeople and Businesses

Storytelling has become a big part of how businesses communicate. You can see more and more stories being told across branding, sales, and marketing. An ever-increasing number of companies now use the art of storytelling to capture their audience’s attention, communicate their values, and to position their products and services. Humans are pre-wired to love

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features vs benefits

Features vs. Benefits – The Key Differences & How To Use Them

If you sell anything you need to understand the difference between features and benefits. Understanding this fundamental difference and using this insight in your marketing will help you to: Connect with more customers Promote your products or services more effectively Make more sales Make more money It doesn’t matter if you’re a salesperson who sells

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